Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Read Penthouse Letters


organize, coordinate and teach courses on film.

The following courses I have taught in different cultural centers in Mexico City and the interior (Nayarit, Pachuca, Edo. In Mexico ...) interested in hiring

courses, contact the City of Mexico 55 37 24 25 from 17:00 to 21:00 hrs. or send e-mail to below mentioned e-mails.

below a complete picture of these courses have been very successful where they have been taught.


The film is the most democratic visual tool that exists today. The major studios for decades monopolized filmic resources arrogate the right to produce cultural content that consumed millions of people. That has changed. Today everyone can shoot a short film. Since formats like Nanometrajes minimum (less than 30 seconds) Micrometrajes, the movie minutes, the film, all we need now a cell phone or digital camera to start filming a movie adventure.
This workshop teaches screenwriting techniques for narrative minimum, which is not the same as the feature. Following a personal theory that posed by the existence of the short film genre, screenwriting drive with conventional techniques and other developed through practice and experience, setting a clear goal finish the full spelling of a first treatment. As Kurosawa said: "With a good script to a bad director can make a good movie."

To download the full program click on the following frame:


is a course in four modules, two modules examines the different notions film through the history of world cinema and two other modules apply these same concepts to the history of Mexican cinema. The focus of these courses is linguistic and aesthetic. The historical clustering due to a classification established from aesthetics, Dr. Lauro Zavala, following the notions of classic cinema, modern cinema and postmodern cinema. The overall objective is to provide critical thinking tools for students to enjoy more and better movies (any movie) to see. If the four modules are studied results in a "state of the art ', a comprehensive look at the cinematic notions, their evolution over time and state that currently stored in the world and in Mexico.

can obtain the full program of the first two modules and the agendas of the past two by clicking on the following frame.


For many years it has been said that the film genres of dramatic genres down. It is a lie. This topic has been my main area of \u200b\u200bresearch since I graduate from film school. This course examines film genres in his capacity as 'movie', not as mere subordinates to other subgenera more important. The genres studied are action movies, horror movies, science fiction movies, melodrama, comedy film in its various forms, among others seeking to give a true picture, original and attached to the discursive reality system contemporary genres. Low

full program in the next frame.


Fees per module of 30 hours: 3 hours a day for ten days. (Updated January 2011) $ 25,000.00

The various modules can be delivered serially or simultaneously.

modules also can be adapted to the needs of the client. For example, you can take a course of 25 hours, 5 hours a day for five days.

(Prices subject to negotiation)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The fees do not cover travel expenses, room and board. For courses inside the country, these costs should be considered. SERVICES


Dosvalar ® offers various professional screenwriting services: * Consulting


analysis, diagnosis and correction of professional film projects, TV and TV commercial according to educational goals.

Formation and administration of screenwriting teams.

* Creativity.

plot development projects and original screenwriting.
- Management overview.
- Evaluation and improvement of characters.
- Biographies and dramatic life.
- Structure and layout of arguments.

* Professional Scriptwriting.

- Development of storylines.
- Development of original or adapted screenplays.

* Bank of arguments and scripts. Contact us today

: Simple messages


Files and Projects


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