Sunday, September 27, 2009

Simple Fold Fan Serviette

February 6, 1694: Macaques. The last expedition against Palmares

The Indian hunter, killer of many miles of Indian, born of mother India. Guarani and Portuguese speaking almost nothing. Domingos Jorge Velho Mameluke captain San Pablo, Mestizos who have sown terror in the middle of Brazil on behalf of the colonial masters and fierce exorcism than half of his blood.

In the past six years, Captain Sunday rented his services to the Portuguese crown against the Indians janduim, raised in the backwoods of Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte. After a long butcher comes to Recife, victorious, and there he was hired to raze Palmares. They offer a nice booty and black land for sale in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, plus infinite promise amnesties, four orders habits religiosas y treinta grados militares para repartir entre sus hombres.

Con el catalejo en bandolera sobre el pecho desnudo, abierta la casaca grasienta, el capitán Domingos desfila a caballo por las calles de Recife, a la cabeza de sus oficiales mestizos y sus soldados indios degolladores de indios. Cabalga entre nubes de polvo y olores de pólvora y aguardiente, atravesando ovaciones y bandadas de pañuelos blancos: este mesías nos salvará de los negros alzados, cree o quiere la gente, convencida de que los cimarrones tienen la culpa de la falta de brazos en los ingenios y también tienen la culpa de las pestes y las drought that scorched the northeast, because God will not send health or the rain is not ceased, the scandal of Palmares.

and is organized crusade. Volunteers come from all sides, driven by hunger, looking for safe serving. Emptied prisons: prisoners to join the largest army yet assembled in Brazil.

The Indian scouts go forward and the rear black porters. Nine thousand men through the jungle, they come to the mountain and climb to the summit where you can admire the fortifications of Macaques. This time carry guns. Several days

duration of the siege. The guns annihilated the triple wall of wood and stone. Melee fights, on the edge. There are so many dead that there is nowhere to fall, and continues the degollatina among the bushes. Many blacks attempting to flee and slip into the void by the cliffs, and many are choosing to throw off the cliff.

The flames devour the capital of Palmares. From the distant city of Porto Calvo you see the glow of the gigantic bonfire burning all night. Burn to memory. Hunting horns never stop proclaiming the victory.

Zumbi chief, wounded, managed to escape. From the peaks comes to the jungle. Wanders through the green tunnels in the woods, looking for yours.

CarF photos.
Text of Eduardo Galeano (Proceedings of the fire )


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