Thursday, October 8, 2009

Losing Weight Buccal Fat

there a child in the street ...

At this time exactly
there a child in the street ....
there a child in the street!

Photo CARF.

honor of men is to protect what grows
Child Care has not spread through the streets,
Prevent heart wrecked ship,
His incredible adventure
Putting chocolate bread and a star on the site hunger.
Otherwise it is useless otherwise is absurd
Try on earth the joy and song, because it is no use
if a child in the street.

Photo CARF.

All of my country to me through your nose
I wash cars, clean shoes, smell sticks and wallets Theft
paco smell but I'm good people I'm a toothless smile
Rain homeless nail grounded, I am the leftover of war
An empty stomach, I'm a knee injury that heals with cold
The best tour guide you suburbs for three pesos
walk through the capital flight do not need visa for the circle because I play with paper airplanes Rice
stone mud with wine, and what I imagine I'm missing.

Photo Meanest Indian.

the world should not walk barefoot in love
wielding a journal as a wing in his hand
climbing trains, exchange the laughter,
beating his chest with a tired wing.
should not walk of life, newborn, to price risky
a narrow win because then the hands are useless bundles
And the heart, just a bad word.

Photo CARF .

When night falls asleep awake, one eye closed and one open
For if tigers shot I spit my life is like a circus clown
but I'm walking through the ditch juggling 5 oranges
asking for money to all who can on a bike on one wheel
oxygen to the continent I am what President carelessness
Do not panic if I have bad breath, if you see me without a shirt with the nipples to the wind
I am a element of landscape waste on the street are my camouflage
as something that exists that appears to lie, something dead but breathing

Photo CARF.

Poor's who has forgotten that there is a child in the street,
That there are millions of children living on the street
And many children who grow up in the street.
I see them pressing her small heart,
fable Watchin all with eyes. Lightning truncated
crosses their eyes,
Because nobody protects the life that grows
And love is lost, like a kid in the street.

Photo blonboy .

Hey at this time exactamente hay un niño en la calle
Hay un niño en la calle.


<--- Foto de Simone Tognetti .


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