June 2010, Parana, Entre Rios.
Dear comrades of the
Organizing Committee
XV National Meeting of Women:
It has been ten years that massive XV National Meeting of Women you organized so successfully in our city, the same as in October is preparing once again to reprise the much needed space for the voices of thousands who want to be heard.
You Paraná showed that resonated in the heat of an entire country shaken in that critical moment, and that the innermost of the sufferings of our people are touched when women get together to discuss our daily problems, which are, in short, deep in Argentina: the hunger of our Gurises in neighborhoods, the money that is not enough for a family's basic issues, unstable jobs, plus about being a woman in our society.
In ten years many things have changed, but not the desire of getting together, to continue arguing on our roles, our problems, the situation we have women in Entre Ríos, including exploitation and harassment, kidnapping and tender of women for trafficking and sexual exploitation, femicide, domestic violence, unwanted pregnancies, sexual crimes, etc..
is why we have the great pleasure to come to you to propose to combine the Saturday, June 26 at 17:30 in the Municipal Agency Youth, Women and Integration Citizen (Andres Pazos 35) to exchange ideas, experiences and views on the XXV Meeting of the National Organization of Women, to give continuity to this great movement autoconvocados, horizontal, democratic and pluralistic that women have built over 25 years .
A warm greeting,
Organizing Committee of the XXV National Meeting of Women.
09, 10 and 11 October 2010, Parana, Entre Rios.
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