Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cubefield 2 Unblcoked

The Thule Society The Mediator

"... also states that the Thule-Gesellschaft
had a psychic named Maria Orsitsch, which convinced them that the Aryan race was not from the land, but came from star Aldebaran in Taurus, about 65 light years away. An investigation has shown that the medium Maria Orsitsch not part of the Thule Society but the Vril Society, charged with finding new technologies under heterodox principles and concepts. The medium would have received a message from Aldebaran to obtain a new anti-gravity technology which would serve to build unconventional circular aircraft (UFOs). This philosophy influenced occult genius Viktor Schauberger Austrian inventor and scholar who later proposed to Hitler create biotechnology. At the beginning of World War II, Aloys Kokaly started working with Viktor, who was then designing objects that fly through biotechnical means. These designs were tested by Hertl, a German industrial company, which reported that the energy produced by these unusual mechanisms were difficult to control. One of the devices had gone through the roof of the company. In 1943, Viktor was called up and after a short period of time he spent as commander of a paratrooper company in Italy, continued its equipment designs, this time a submarine that was based on the same principle of the turbine " trout. " Himmler invited him to continue his research into a center in the concentration camp of Matthaus. Their technical and physical equipment consisted of prisoners in the camp. Viktor spent time working on this place. Then began an intense period of study led him to develop a "flying saucer" that functioned according to the principles of the trout turbine. " The research results were both a success and a failure. In a letter to Defense Minister of West Germany, 28 February 1956, wrote: "[after a year] the first flying saucer flew towards the ceiling unexpectedly, on the first try, crashing into him. A few days later showed a group of Americans, who seemed to understand what was happening, and took everything. After a thorough investigation by a senior officer, I was put in custody, vigilado por no menos de seis policías durante seis meses. Una parte importante de este aparato cayó en manos de los rusos, quienes la hallaron en mi casa” (p. 93-94, ibid). Los rusos volaron la casa de Viktor al marcharse, probablemente para destruir cualquier información que se les hubiera podido pasar por alto. Viktor había estado trabajando con un buen número de prisioneros de guerra rusos, que más tarde volvieron a la Unión Soviética. Se conjeturó que el rápido desarrollo en la carrera especial se debió en parte a las ideas de Viktor.

En 1956, recordando sus experiencias durante la guerra, Viktor escribía: “Al final de la guerra, fui confinado durante casi un año bajo custody of American forces of occupation, by my knowledge of atomic energy production. After being released, and under threat of arrest, I was forbidden to undertake any new research in the field of atomic energy, but had to do with new aspects of this technology. After signing the Treaty of Peace in the Pacific, resumed my work again. Since the end of the war was lost many things, so work proceeded very slowly. I was refused any external financial support, which made the prototypes were very late, but once the patents were granted, it came together "(p. 94, ibid).
n 1952, Viktor and his son Walter were invited to the Stuttgart Technical College by Professor Popel, Centre for Resource and Water Management, to participate in experiments. Popel The ulterior motive was to discredit the work of Viktor, but as research progressed, the teacher was surprised to find that the results of the tests verify the ideas of Viktor on the properties of water and the principles of his movement. After three months, Viktor expressed his desire to return home, but his hosts would not let him go, especially after such satisfactory results. His intention was to have the Schauberger working for them for years to come. A month later, in September, and after suffering great distress, Viktor was told he could go home if he agreed learn English. Had 30 minutes to decide. Viktor had to say yes, of course, signing a contract that they wanted to extend also to his son, but Viktor rejected because, as a visitor, his firm would immediately put him under U.S. law. The agreement also included a paragraph by which all works of Viktor Schauberger should be delivered to Mr. Robert Donner, including their ideas and knowledge of past, present and future. Although devastated by this experience, Viktor and his son were not allowed to rest until they took the plane after 19 hours of flight, take them home. Viktor unfortunately lost his zest for life and died only five days after returning home in Linz, 25 September 1958 at the age of 73. During his last days he kept repeating "they stole everything, even I own myself."

... "

I thought it was interesting enough to share. The rest of the information about this secret society which had originally belonged to Adolf Hitler is scattered through various books, most tabloids, but in Wikipedia (from which are extracted from these paragraphs) is a brief summary for those who want to start to get interested.

live on the winning side of a post-apocalyptic world. And yet we complain of crisis and pods.


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